Haven't I Been There Before?
Haven’t I Been There Before? Slipping the syrupy juice down my throat and driving my spoon into another scoop of white bliss, my mind thought it was in Heaven. A and W root beer floats were the bomb in my days. Parked outside the restaurant, the magical speaker would capture my dad’s voice as he placed our order through his driver’s window. What seemed like hours later, a waitress came with tray in hand. It was fast/ slow food of the ‘70’s. Onion rings caught my attention as their warm aroma filled our car’s interior. Haven’t I been there before? No. This is a synthesized memory. Parts and pieces laid close to each other seem to fit. In fact, I have no definite recollection of complete details. I do like the smell of onion rings. Carroll, Iowa is the location of an A and W. Chances that my family never placed a full order is good. Dad di...