Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive drug
given to keep the body from rejecting a transplanted organ. In other words, the body knows its own and
will fight foreign matter from being grafted in. As a man with stage four kidney disease, this
drug may come in handy.
So how is Christ our cyclosporine? New must come. In our natural state, our being fights what
is not original. Upon conversion, His
Spirit enters in. Mysteriously His
Spirit intertwines with ours being permanently bonded together forever. Hence, He is needed as we accept Him
as our savior.
Acceptance is a huge thing. What we allow into our heart, mind, and soul
influences our spirit which animates our body.
We are as fortresses, walled cities with wooden gates hung upon steel
hinges. He gives us opportunity to stage
keepers at each entrance. They work as
TSA checking papers and governing passage in.
Likewise, our senses are pathways to our inner being.
Wisdom comes to educate them standing guard. Visiting and providing discernment, each is honed
to separate truth from lie. What is
reality? Only the king of castle in
consort with the Spirit defines this.
Out of the interior of the city, matters
arise and so characterize the kingdom. For –
Luke 6:45 “A good man out of the good treasure of his
heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil
treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance
of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
Eventually, what we store up in ourselves
will come out. It is a spiritual
truth. Senses gather then our meditation
rolls over what we are stimulated with. Overwhelmed?
God gives us the freedom to close the gate. Restricted passage as we set boundaries or
protocols. As we mature, we learn to
judge the influence and turn away if necessary.
But what if we are fooled as in the days
of Joshua? The Gibeonites came in old
attire speaking lies and so convinced them they were of a faraway country
seeking a peace agreement. Joshua took
them up on the deal to find out they lived over the next hill. Bound by his word, a new deal was struck
making the Gibeonites slaves.
We learn from our mistakes and others. When foreigners come soliciting, wisdom we harken
to our side as we call upon God. An outstretched
hand means we welcome in acceptance.
Opening the gate then subjects inhabitants to their influence.
The eye and ear gate experience the
greatest traffic. TSA agents here
rapidly process. Procedures determined from
the top, forbid or allow. Touch and
taste, seemingly small, are subject to seduction if lust comes knocking.
Acceptance. From cyclosporine to our responsibility to
focus on good, we walk the day. Where do
we cast our eyes? Do we bend our ear to
gossip? Do we indulge in taste and touch
to the point of sacrificing self-control?
Are these gates discriminatory or have the guards fallen asleep?
He gives free will. He also trains in holiness. We learn to hate what He hates, and to love what He approves of. How blessed is the city with its gates aptly hung.
Cory Cvrk
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