The batter in stance works the
plate. Pitcher winds up with his
favorite. Unleashing potential met at
the end of his arm inflicts the ball travelling at breakneck. Trajectory to inside the zone, batter’s
eye peels to discern an advantage.
Bearing weight to pivotal foot, hips thrust and shoulders follow. Jumping the gun, the bat strikes in collision
pulling left. Set sailing, spectators
stand to behold the anticipated hit wanting more. “Foul!”
The line judge shouts and the wonderous crowd groans again.
Timing is everything. In fact, God holds the marriage act in high
regard. One action is defended and
justified in His courts. He looks down
in approval when it is enacted with respect.
Barring all His commands condemning its inordinance, we celebrate the correct
application and its subsequent blessings:
To keep
one’s virgin until marriage is to avoid soul bruising.
2. Blessed unification of ones given to each other
cannot be explained by words on a wedding night. It is a mysterious joining.
Parents in the committed covenant provide the
umbrella of protection. Children under
this thrive.
In it for the long haul, divorce is a distant
answer having never known another special relationship as this.
Fornication and adultery are naughty
words. God exposes the fruits of these
actions opposing holiness. In addition,
homosexuality twists and perverts His picture of Christ and the Church. If a man’s treasure reveals where his heart’s
desires lie, then his sexual actions define his bonds. We are so connected with our sexual identity
and its expression. Deep within our core
conscience emanates issues we cannot understand. Its polarization draws our mentality
influencing decisions about the day.
To fool with procreation means flippantly tossing
about the greatest act. Two spiritual beings
have the chance to create another. At
conception, God blesses the union with given soul and spirit. Regardless of parental consideration, a baby
is readied for survival.
Will we reserve fusion for the marriage
bed? It is God’s will for the healthy
furtherance of Man. He knows psychological
and social ramifications of children.
Jumping the gun and jumping under the covers swings the bat
prematurely. It may be a fast ball and
destined over the fence, but timing dictates its trajectory before the home
crowd. A homerun certainly pleases the
Father. Home is where His heart is.
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