Charity and Lasagna


Charity and Lasagna


1 Corinthians 13:5-6                                                                                     March 28, 2024


     My birthday is April 2.  I will be 54.  I want lasagna for my party.

     To give you a background, I have 7 children and over 10 grandchildren.  Our family started living in this house in 2000.  We have celebrated over 200 birthdays in this dining room.  I want my wife’s lasagna.  Is that too much to ask?  I think this scenario can describe Charity.

Charity - generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering 

Charity talks about the reason for the good works we do.  Also in the manner in which we do them.  So, I walk this out:

Charity “Doth not behave itself unseemly,” When I ask into the kitchen if the lasagna is done yet, she doesn’t return with, “Duh!  I’m not the only one who can read the clock.”

Charity, “…seeketh not her own,”  Geeze Hon, you spent a half hour making my food but you spent three hours on a new cheese cake just for you.

Charity, “…is not easily provoked,”  I told you to keep these kids out of the kitchen. They are driving me crazy!  Yah, that’s not Anne.

Charity, “…thinketh no evil;”  He never buys anything for my birthday.  Why should I?  Hence, she stews in the kitchen and her head gets hotter than the oven.

Charity, “Rejoiceth not in iniquity,”  She doesn’t laugh if I eat quickly and burn my mouth.

Finally, Charity, “…rejoiceth in the truth;”  She is the first to suggest the Happy Birthday song.


God talks more about a character embodied with these traits.  When His children come together, especially at parties, we can build each other up. That is the real motivation behind good works.


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