Fear, Conflict Resolution, Marriage


Fear, Conflict Resolution, Marriage


Genesis 20:11  And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake.”

     For Abraham, his relationship with Sarah was at stake.  “Because the fear of God was not in that place,” he thought.

     Fear does wonderful things.  Jesus fears His Father, right?  Somehow in the Godhead, authority is recognized.  Jesus is accountable to God.  Likewise we are accountable to Christ.  So, fear is great.  It keeps people’s heads on straight.

     Two great covenants exist.  A man with his God and a man with his wife.  What upholds these “agreements?”  Fear.

     I have to answer to someone for my actions.  

     Wow, what a statement!  You mean I cannot do I as please?  Even if the law gives freedom and conscience convicts not, ultimately one stands before the Almighty who has the right to judge.

      In this case, God hates divorce.  It wraps one in a cloak of violence.  “My ex so and so!  He did… she did…”  And the kids are caught in the middle of a marriage melt down.

     The blessing of two believers in marriage means their spirits become one.  God blesses the union.  He forges the bond.  The pagans seek to bond their way.  They only experience the soul imprint.  They feel and are torn.  Christians who are wed and divorce suffer more.  We are supposed to.  Since the marriage of a man and wife is the picture of the Church and Christ, we carry this responsibility to show this to whoever is watching.  Hence, greater consequences for taking His name in vain or for walking unworthily.

     This covenant is huge!  It is the protection under which our Godly offspring are blessed.  So..….  Get our heads on straight!  If we do not forgive, we will not be forgiven.  God has given us the tools.  Christ freely forgives.  Men, forgive your wives!  Wives, hold it not against them.  We are not perfect, yet.  God uses us to rub the hard spots off each other.  Fear God! And know you are in the process of sanctification.   Husbands, you must need her.  Wives, you must need him.  To become better, He wed thee. 

So work!  Work at peace.

Ephesians 4:3 “ Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

He has commanded us.


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