Girls are Different than Boys


Girls are Different than Boys


     My name is Cory Cvrk.  I have been married over thirty years.  I am the husband of one wife.  Between us, we have raised and trained seven children, three boys and four girls.  We have seen them to their “maturity” of eighteen years then out of the nest they flew.  Currently, they have born us over ten grandchildren.  I have witnessed.

     I have witnessed the masculine and the feminine spirit.  Men in their calling, women in theirs.  Women as nurturers, men as pruners.  Women in “let’s keep the peace and stay together” and men as “if we need to divide over differences, so be it.”  Men to conquer and protect.  Women to enjoy the powers that be over their heads.

     I have seen women as global thinkers.  Able to bounce babies, cook lunch, and talk on the phone at the same time.  I have seen men zero in on their interests and specialize in their accomplishments.

     I am writing this this morning because I see my granddaughter entertaining her younger cousin.  Round and round she pushes her car.  She sets the table for lunch.  She likes interacting this way.  She is a girl.

      I have a four-year-old grandson. He used to drill into my house walls and chop down my apple tree.  He effected things, not people.  Nerf guns are his calling as his aggression is channeled into this kind of play.  He is all boy.

     Is there a problem with all this?  It’s not some Christian experiment.  We are family.  Polarized spirits in a spectrum of wonderful design, make for an enjoyable togetherness.  In our family culture, women explore and develop into feminine fullness.  Men are encouraged to be leaders with integrity, protectors willing to stand for what’s right.

     In this war, we men fight so our women may enjoy peace.  We front the resistance.  Our women concern themselves with the more pertinent family calling, to produce Godly offspring.  This is God’s design.  It works.


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