Jesus has an Attitude

Jesus Has an Attitude


Matthew 11:20-30                                                                                          March 27, 20204


     “Whoa there boy!  I say, I say, let’s just wait a minute.  Got to prepare yer self.  Don’t jist go runnin’ in.”

     Foghorn Leghorn reminds me of our Lord.  I thought Jesus was the door.  The door to what?  The door to the Father.  If Jesus is the door, then He is a bit picky.  “I say child, don’t just run into My Father’s presence.  You know God is light.”

     On You Tube a man was melting a brick with light.  He used a focusing lens to gather the sun’s light.  Wouldn’t want to be that brick!  I think he called it the “Death Ray.”  Yah.

     God’s a whole lot more dangerous than that. 

Matthew 11:20  “Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:

     Ouch!  Girls, and some guys, ever had your hair “upbraided?”  It’s when the one braiding your hair pulls it tight to the point of pain.  Jesus is in correction mode here and why?  Those cities heard His message and did not repent.

     So our Lord commands us to be sniveling idiots crying out, “Woe is me!  I weren’t doomed if it warn’t for Jesus?”  No, He just wants an understanding.  He’s not gonna let every nutbucket traipse into His Father’s presence without reverence.  Jesus surely is the Door.

     My wife and I have an understanding.  I know my position and she knows hers.  God has called me to authority over her.  She is subject to me, me to Jesus, and Jesus to God. I have the last say, but I don’t lay that card often.  Only in a fight once, did I tell her to, “Shut up and color” because the fight was going without resolve.  She obeyed and left the room.  I know, women, obey seems like a naughty word.  Like it makes her more like a slave or dog.  On the contrary, like Sarah who called her husband Abraham ‘lord’, my wife is settled in her place.  She doesn’t have to control everything.  Some decisions she leaves to me.  I am comfortable to let her run the house like a Joseph to Pharaoh.  Sometimes, my biggest decision is what we are having for lunch.  I’m ok with that.  If you know my wife, you know she’s a superlady.  But, we all need authority upon us to govern us even if it is a light tether.

     Back to Jesus.  We have a good understanding with Him if we have ever said, “How high?”  I don’t care the personal humility, I will abase myself before Him.  He is the Almighty and Nuclear Potential lies behind that Door.

    The cities didn’t repent.  They didn’t come to understand their position before Him.  OUR position likewise.  We are worm dirt.  And if you know about the entrails of worms, yah, we are that low before Him.  But He isn’t the one to continually shove it in our face. 


Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

He will teach us of the Father and even let us in.  We are responsible to always know our position before Him.  I think it’s called fear, Godly fear that leads to repentance. 


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