This Church Age


This Church Age

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

      This is the divine command.  This drives Man.  In this mandate, we find the goals God has purposed for us.  We, the people!  Correct.  Governments and bodies of men are to launch out.   They are to facilitate men who strive for God’s priorities.  They are to help.  If not, they fall.  God sees to it.

     So what happened at the cross?

Colossians 2:15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

     Since the fall, Adam handed his weapon over to Satan.  In effect, he armed the rebellion to fight in this physical world.  From Adam to Jesus, we see Satan overtly engaged in the affairs of rulers.  Yes, we have ruthless men now, but there was not a check against the enemy before the cross.  With Satan at the helm, Man found it extremely difficult to carry out the Genesis command.  So much so that God flooded the earth to extinguish our fleshly fires.

     So what of Israel?  Israel was just a testimony of what God can do with a people submitted to Him.  Agreeing with Him in the physical, they obeyed and conquered. Then they fell away and were dispersed.  Through Israel, God did bring His Son out of that understanding.  He came to us in the backdrop of culture and prophecies made of Him.  To Israel we do owe much.

     Yet, we do not see Israel fulfilling God’s Genesis command.  This is why He started a new thing.  To Abraham He declared all the nations would be blessed through his Seed.  He hints at His Spirit being poured on the Gentiles in the Old Testament.  Paul talks of the mystery of God wrapped up in His manifold wisdom.  Jesus is first to declare that He would build His church upon the Rock.  Why is the Church needed?  To police the earth and carry out God’s command to men. 

     This is a sort of reboot.  He had a runaway process called the Satanic rebellion influencing men.  


1.       He killed the process.  (He defeated the enemy at the cross.) 

2.       He made changes.  (He came and gave us a clear understanding of God)

3.      He rebooted Mankind.  (He gave him again the authority with understanding.)


Now, the Church He has commissioned to patrol and to grow and to spread abroad.


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