The Wild Google Map Man Guy


The Wild Google Map Man Guy

Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

     Ah that little guy gets picked up by the scruff of the neck and is dropped at my will.  He calmly waits my direction as he stares blankly at a house.  Moused arrows lay about the streets and his invisible body follows.  “Click, blur, click, blur” like he is running with the camera.

     Interesting note about the little man, he always minds his manners.  I don’t ever see him accost the cyclist or vagrantly trespass lawned properties.  He’s a nice guy.

     We are not like him.  He keeps to his streets.  We run amuck.  He yields the right-of-way while we plow the intersection.  In fact, Mr. Google Guy doesn’t light houses afire or tip over garbage cans.  We are known for that.

     So it is another tangent of inspired understanding of one verse nestled in the context of forgiveness.  God does not have to work very hard to pen something everlasting and give it to His Spirit who does the work. Like manna from the sky, I simply pick it up and chew.  His Spirit does the rest.


a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority

     Mr. Google Map Man abides by ordinances in respecting property.  He is the model citizen.  We, on the other hand, are birthed into the city as werewolves bent on disaster.  Scything, slurring, and dragging our hairy carcasses about, we terrorize the innocent and waylay those unexpecting.  Don’t even think about showcase lawns.  It is there we leave our excrement.

     God said He had something against us.  Werewolves about His sanctuary saw no fit.  In His righteous character, He kept track of every ordinance infraction.  This was the handwriting that was against us.  And we were contrary to keeping His ordinances.  What do werewolves know about a polite society? God was wroth with us.

     Family authority, church authority, and governmental authority should convince us of the beast within us.  If not, they have failed.  It is only in the societal norms do we bounce off walls of standards without the internal leading of Christ.  If the walls lax, we rage.

       Oh the Power of Jesus blood again!  All that the Father had written against us, the Father has nailed it to His cross.  Every legal violation.  Every slight trespass and every blood massacre we clawed upon those at the mall.  He forgave.  Thank you Father.  Thank you Brother for going the whole way.


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