Time To Awaken From Inebriation

                                             Time to Wake From Inebriation

Revelation of Jesus Christ 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

     I have heard of Time to Revive.  It is a ministry which came to my city.  It runs in tight knit circles of Evangelical Christians crying out for change in their communities.  This ministry gives tools and challenges the pew sitters to embrace the neighborhoods with the Gospel of Jesus Christ with an emphasis on soul winning.  A baptism booth on wheels follows close behind with big tents of gathering declaring our God is on the move saving and transforming lives as only He can do.  It is another faith breathing movement God has orchestrated by His grace.  That is Time to Revive.

     There is another movement stirring.  It spawns discord and leaves warring brothers in a stupor wondering where all their facts went.  God is faithful to take the prideful weapons away from His children.  Those plugged into the ‘boob tube’ and those who rip pages out of His sacrament to lay them upon the altar of reasoning, He counters with His own logic.

     Conjecture, twisting, and down-right lying plague our mouths.  The marvelous Book at the end of our well palmed Bibles, speaks.  “Humility My children.”

     What is the single purpose of the Revelation of Jesus Christ?  Well, if you know God, He doesn’t write a book with only one purpose.  In other words, God is very complex and His mind is eternal so we who are finite have a very difficult time grasping anything from Him at all.  It takes effort.  And maybe that’s where we screw up.

     We study.  We attain a plausible explanation of ‘secrets’ hidden.  Then we bind them about our foreheads in place of His scripture.  Somehow our new found truths steal the limelight from His time tested inerrant words so scribed with the blood of martyrs.  John the Baptist lost his head to give me the life-giving words.  Bam!  Printed on a page before me.  They can meet me every morning.  So why would I use His Word as a crystal ball of divining to foretell the future?

     God comforts His Church.  He cares for Her and is concerned about every wind of doctrine She hears that disturbs or distracts Her.  He has called her to a mission.  To spread this glorious news of His love for every soul on earth.  So how does the previous movement of conjecturing threaten?  It pits brother against brother.

     If I were a Christian about Nero’s time, I would have loved someone to read me a bedtime story straight out of the Revelation.  As I closed my eyes, I would know Who was in charge.  And that is the meaning of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  Not a torn Man left dying on a cross, but a risen Savior Lord who will come, and come a conquering.

     Is the book far-fetched?  Yes, beyond our mind’s retrieval.  Is it a good read?  Certainly!  Does He want our heads in it 24/7 with the evening news caterwauling new threats in our ears?  No, that’s not my understanding of a dear Father resting us in His quietness.  In His stillness of confidence, we listen to Him as He prompts us to do what He asks, love.  


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