We Bear This Responsibility
Bear This Responsibility
Joshua chapter 4
specifically verse 24
And we of the Word, who know these stories
owe it to the world to dispel them.
As fragrance goes from a blown flower bloom, we are to declare that
faith is attainable and real.
This is no ordinary God dreamed up by the imaginations
of men used to control and manipulate masses.
This God does not breathe war into His subjects. Nor does He call us to light ourselves afire
in the village square to protest an ill principle. With those of ears and those who can read, He
gives a rich inheritance by revealing His mind, heart, soul and will. He has opened Himself to inspection. He calls us as creatures to search Him and His
calling. His personage He has laid
before our senses in His creation which screams loudly of His care. So, we have.
Joshua was to set up the memorial
stones. When the children would come
back and ask, their grandparents could exclaim, “Yep! Yep! That’s where it
happened. Right there.” Or “Right ‘cheer.” As I heard one grandpa. But we are not only to tell our offspring,
Joshua 4:24 says, “That all the people of the earth might know the hand
of the Lord, that it is mighty; that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever.”
This Jordan crossing wasn’t to be a secret
only Israel knew that on its times of squeamish wonderments about the power of
their God, they could gaze upon the pretty rock formation and shout the battle
cry again. No, this little crop of rocks, with the ongoing testimony of scripture, was to ride the Roman Road and propel
itself all over the earth. God had big
plans for these documented ‘stories’ that we irrelevantly by ignorance color
with grays and blacks while He wanted them brought out with oranges and blues. In other words, these occurrences invite all
us to faith. Faith in a big God who can
do Big things!
Certainly, the seed thrown on the pathway
was quickly eaten up by birds. Satan has
his way of taking revealed truth and hiding it in his own belly. That’s where we come in. The truth without explanation does no
good. It will not grow if never planted.
Moms, Dads, anyone of faith…teach these
bitty ones His recollections as if they were truer than your birth certificate. Get these stories in them. Do unit studies, songs, plays or whatever to
further expound that precious word He has given. He relies upon our imaginations coupled with
His Spirit to enact and recreate the HAPPENINGS again. In so doing, you will send those missionaries
into this world to fulfill His divine calling found in this verse.
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