Brother! You're A Nut!


Brother!  You’re A Nut!

Luke 4

     Who waltzes into their hometown, grabs a scroll, flips out a little passage then sits down?  All their eyes were fixed upon you.  “My Thelma, with what gracious words He has blessed us today!”  Yah, yah no women in the synagogue.  But still, all the town’s men were there hanging on Your every word.  Then the jabber –

     “Prophet?  Ah’ just fulfilled one and let me lay another on you.  Doc I ain’t but you’re gonna say something is wrong with Me.  Up comes Capernaum.  See what We do there!  Oh, by the way, My kind aren’t liked in their hometown.  Take twin hitters, Elijah and Elisha, God played a bit of favorites when He outsourced them.  No squat gonna happen here in Angryville.”

     This was before Your armed men of twelve.  You were flying solo and stood up to the Third Reich.  No backup.  Just a brow of a hill and a long drop.  Lighting the match in the powder room.  You came to seek and save the lost, but first You had to expose them.

     You work the same today.  Your law is good.  It convicts us of our sin.  Shines a light so we are ashamed of the things we do.  You nailed our flesh to the tree.  In acknowledging You, we expose our ways to open ridicule except the Father isn’t the One laughing.

     After the sacrifice, He introduces us to His law of grace.  Mercy had finished its work and grace lit the rocket engines.  It is only up with God.  He exponentially blesses those who appreciate Him.  Right Capernaum? 


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