Christ Killers


Christ Killers

     This phrase came from the movie Fidler on the Roof. It struck me as a point needing to be clarified.  We ALL killed God.  We All smashed His presence from this world.  We All are to hang for deposing an innocent Man to Hell.  We All suffered the blindness of spiritual selfishness.  We All held in commensurate a title only given to prisoners.  We All damned a Man for doing good.

     Yes, His own people rejected Him.  But the Roman court represented us.  Us, the Gentiles, ignorant of God and His rich history with the Jewish nation.  Surely God judges in righteousness but to plead insanity wins no bounds.

     We do not have a leg to stand upon.  All of us are born with a moral code written as it is on our forearms continually reminding us of our actions against Him.  Where do you think the universal problem of guilt comes from? Whether hyper or hypo, our consciences modified by society seek to justify our illegitimate desires.  He says not one on his own seek after the righteousness He requires.  No individual mark matches His Son.  We are all to be damned if not for the mercy of Our God.

     He is not willing that any perish.  He strives long with us relenting to do harm.  Even to the one sidetracked and wanning, God takes pleasure in forgiving the one who turns back.  God is even so generous to provide Wake Up Calls.  In times of death or tragedy, He is there to offer hope of a future beyond pain.  It is not all Heavenly bliss we strive after.  His company here suffices.

     Another recent movie drove again the shortfalls of Man into my understanding.  Not in gore, nor in torture (of which we are all able), but in the hurt of own’s soul wanting to inflict harm upon another.  He was called a sadist.  I had to look it up:

Sadist: taking pleasure in the infliction of pain, punishment, or humiliation on others.

     Yah, God forgives that kind of people.  At the root, we are people of that kind.  Did not Jesus say, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing”?  Even those of us who punish intentionally, God will forgive upon our turning to Him.  It is the Father’s agape love that transcends our understanding.  Again God’s character is revealed.


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