Thirty-Four Hundred Years Ago
Thirty-Four Hundred Years Ago
Deuteronomy 6:7 “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk
of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and
when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
To my knowledge, Moses wrote
these words and they were preserved for me to follow today. Granddaughters about the dining room
table. Grandma got out the Playdough
toys. Noah’s ark with animals pressed into
molds. Out came “sheepies and cowies.”
The rains came down and the flood came up. Noah’s boat imaginarily floated, suspended in
midair. No more rains and it came down. Out the sheepies came. Shem floated the perfect Lamb all the way to
a Playdough cross. Mr. Lamb died on the
cross but rose again and danced!
Why the bother? Playing with girls in fantasy? No, I believe the account of Noah and how God
worked with him to save Mankind. It is a
believable story made real by His testimony to me today. I believe Moses as he penned these
words. To me it is not a story but a
detailed historical account about a flood which radically resurfaced this planet. If I do not believe, I tell the lie to them
who are so willing to believe my words. The
little ones must make a choice where to put their faith. Will they pursue an understanding encompassing
believable characters in the Old Testament?
I surely desire they do.
Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
I purposed to treasure my
time in play today. My heart’s will is that
children, even all over the world, would hold to these truths I have accepted
by faith. I’ve seen the good Biblical
reality can render. Solidity of
character doesn’t happen overnight.
Moses’ promptings impressed upon Playdough satisfied the Lord’s care
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