In Defense Of God's Team


In Defense Of God’s Team

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

     I’ve been rolling this scripture about in my head since 1990 when I was confronted by a prophet who said some things about me.  She did it over the podium in the congregation.  Me being new to the walk believed then doubted.  It took a good long while to understand.  Most importantly the few things she said challenged me to understand the supernatural God I professed to follow.  So here are my findings after thirty plus years.

     Teachers – We accept readily that God has specially gifted some to covey the great truths in scripture.  They have the knack of bringing the Word to life in practical experiences of the current day.  We hold this office undisputable although as Paul told Timothy, all bishops must be apt to teach.  But some are better in this calling.

     Pastors - Well now we have a most recognized calling.  They are around every block.  Can’t have a church without a pastor.  He is one to help the Great Shepherd tend and care for the sheep entrusted to him.  In fact, most pastors of local churches wear many hats including janitorial.

     Evangelists – It is here the water of the proverbial pool gets up to our neck.  Like walking into the deeper water, a slight disturbance of the surface waves misunderstanding in our face.  Still the evangelistic guy who comes to call, maybe as a special speaker, is set apart.  You see him zeroing in on a conversation and thrusting up the topic of choice for Jesus.  He is forever passionate about the lost.  It’s all he talks about.

     Apostles – Whoa!  We gotta tread water on this one.  Feet off the bottom.  We question along with others in the deep end what kind of people these are.  We thought there were only twelve.  What does a modern apostle do?  Apostles plant churches.  They drill down in the hard soil and plant the first organizational seeds of the local church.  They are the tip of the plow blade.  Facing opposition, they undauntingly turn up the fallow ground and see the local pastors planted.  They set up new churches in order.

     Prophets -  Whoops!  We might as well jump off the high dive with this one.  Going full under, we have to know how to swim deep and come up for air.  In addition, we must swim with eyes open to avoid others.  Modern prophets excel in correcting, rebuking, and exhortation.  They speak with convicting authority. Whereas pastors keep us together as one big happy family and teachers feed us the vitamins, prophets show our weaknesses.  They call into question our “programs” and do the pruning.  These people aren’t usually liked for the message they bring..

     These are God’s specialist He has given the Church till she come into unity and mature. 

Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

     She does not know perfection yet, hence these five offices are still at work.  We do see now in a mirror dimly but then face to face.  The perfect has not yet come.  Yes, we do have the Word in its given completion, but Perfect has not come back for His Church yet.  When He comes back, we will have no need for these five offices.

     This is what I have understood.


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