The Manner In Which We Wake


The Manner In Which We Wake

     Every morning an opportunity. To slit the par awakening of our souls in mesh of the new day’s dawn.  Will waves of attention give ear to the carried distortion of the last eve?  Or will we feel the gentle inland breeze to refresh and lift again?

     “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.”  That’s a good one.  I’ve gotten a lot of mileage of out that one.  Even as it were a job.

     Titusville, Florida 1990 at a small grocery store.  I had taken up living with my sister and her husband temporarily as I struggled to define the meaning of life.  Kenneth Copeland cassette tapes and a newly purchased thick Bible kept me awake all night reading the red lines of Jesus.  Silly as it seamed, my twenty-year-old ness once destined to become an engineer in State’s training now bluffed shelves at a southern Winn Dixie.  I was truly saved cleaving to the One who loved me.

     Yet, in all this bliss, I rawly learned the power of forgiveness.  Upon closing one night, the store manager and I had some words.  Based on a religious misunderstanding that went wrong, he worked up his emotions in a way for me to consider my hiring loosed.  Coming home on the usual lengthened bicycle ride, I myself worked the happenings about in my mind.  A quick phone call back to the store secured my duty as I asked the manager’s forgiveness.  He acquiesced and pardoned my confrontation previously.

     The bottom line felt in my wallet assured me that God’s way worked.  I had scrapped for my job, yet I had also let that man of the hook.  See, he was a believer also.  Tormented as he was by former decisions, but still on the way.

     Simple obedience to God's law of love frees us.  Taking anger to bed with you makes for an unruly bit of bedfellowing.  With hair amessed and bad breath, you awake in a stilled rage not willing to let the matter lie forgotten on your pillow.  Emotions bleed to the next day and build.

     God knows us.  He wired us.  He gives us the power of forgiveness as a loose from the trapping of our souls. 


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