What Does Saved Mean?

What Does Saved Mean?

     In the jargon of Christology, we must examine the etymology of the word saved.  How archaic is the word tracing its roots back to the Middle Ages, I don’t know.  But we can discover what modern-day Christians mean in this short word.

     In short, saved means you chose to obey God.  Sounding rather cold, but it comes down to a personal decision to humble yourself before Him and admit He is right.  Once you admit He is right, actions logically follow.  Since He is right, He expects things from you.  He expects you to change.  Again, sounds rather cold, but when weighing our puny selves against the vastness of God, personal change is in order.  But the cool part of the deal, saved means He is your Father as now you are His adopted child.  You see, He is for you.  He has your back.

A few things you are now saved from:

1.       God Himself – God cannot deny Himself.  God in His holiness cannot accommodate sin.  He warns that punishment awaits those who continually turn against Him.  But, you are saved from this!

2.      The World – Jesus gives wisdom.  You don’t have to let the world play soccer ball with your head any longer.  He wakes you up from their tricks.  You are saved from this!

3.      Yourself – If you came to God, you realized you have ickiness in you.  God, as your Father, now dwells inside you to empower you to change.  You are saved!

4.      The Devil – The Great Accuser has nothing on you.  All past sins are forgiven and he has no slop to fling at you.  That is what you’ve been saved from!

Being saved then is a packaged deal in God’s kingdom.  It’s a win win thing.


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