Are You Gifted?
You Gifted?
You thought I’d be launching into tongues and prophecy, right? After all, when Jesus led captivity captive,
He gave good gifts to men. That verse is
snuggled into the book of Ephesians and in it He talks of the big “five”. Ephesians
4: 8 – 11. Yet, if we are looking for
fireworks or the Hollywood in God’s kingdom, we might miss it.
What am I to do as a Grandpa when I see my
granddaughter playing with dolls?
She sits the dolls about her as she tells them the big plan for the day. Am I to recognize this? What of a grandson who insists to be heard
correctly? Not pushy, wanting his words
to carry weight. What of my daughter who
tracks her bank account to the penny?
What skill set are these bringing to the
kingdom of God? He has put their natural
bent into them. A grouping of desires
and interests occupy their spirits. We
as parents, grandparents, and mentors are to discern and that means
inspection. In quantity time, we are to
use the eyes of God, seeing their potential.
What will this child be in five to ten years? If God has a plan and a purpose for them, do
we not ask to share the vision?
He calls us to break bread. Take what is from the Heavenly and parse it
up for the ones who don't feed themselves.
In other words, we read and commune with God. We get His insight to help others. Someone has to! Those mature must know God and influence His
kingdom accordingly.
God has given many talents and gifts. A talent may be temporary not a theme coming
back. It may be used to supplement His
workings. For me it is guitar
playing. I know basic chords. I can sing a worship song for church. Others ooh and ahh at times, but it is only a
pastime. Writing, on the other hand, I
have enjoyed for many years. The words
come easy. I have recently partnered
with Him to get His word out. Thus, the
correct use of my gift.
The question is, “Are you gifted?” I have heard it said everyone has at least
one gift. I would say they are
right. As a believer, we have received
The Gift. The Giver of Gifts lives
inside you. As a Father at Christmas
time (please get His heart), He wants His gifts to bring you joy.
Just as tongues edifies the one speaking, individual
gifts are to build up also. If you need
a mirror because you don’t know what you are good at, ask a friend that knows
you. Their perception of your potential
may be quite different than yours. We
all have a twisted self-image we work to straighten out. Using God’s eyes, we understand the hope He
has put in us.
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