Do You Get It?


Do You Get It?

    Last week, a missionary went out from RLCC.  He drove 13 ½ hours to Boseman, Montana to support Time to Revive.  He did not burden them with hotel costs.  He slept in his car.  He stated that it was not a vacation.  He started helping that week wherever he could.

     One day he met with two teenagers attending a Christian high school.  They doubted the relevancy of the Old Testament to their faith.  Using the Time to Revive wristbands, he showed how Romans 5:8 built upon Leviticus 17:11.  Something had to die for our freedom.

     Early in the week, a coworker named “John” resisted the project’s work of hitting the streets.  He had come there for fun.  Outdoor recreation perhaps.  By midweek, he had a God encounter.  So much so that it changed his attitude 180 degrees.  From resistant to resilient, John jumped up and began witnessing even over the lunch hour.  So on fire, he baptized a man the next day!  Truly, Jesus’ passion for the hurting cannot be quenched when we agree with Him.

     The missionary’s question each morning became, “God, how do you want me to show Your love today?”  With that sort of openness, the Lord rightly showed him.  One account as their team set out for the day was amazing.  The missionary saw mental images that guided them about a block of houses.  Seeing a desperate woman with child, they offered money.  She refused because she didn’t think herself worthy.  Instead, the team had great fun buying her groceries and placing them at her house door.  The woman wept.

     Upon another day of outings, the team was not discouraged when a couple distanced themselves by getting back in their car.  Still determined, they approached a man with a toddler near a playground.  When the man perceived they were not a threat and loved playing with his son, he asked, “Why are you paying attention to me?”  The team answered they were going out and loving the neighborhood.  Surprisingly, he had been asking God to show Himself if He was real.  Of course, the team had an answer for that!

     These may be radical, upfront, and on purpose methods of getting the church out of its four walls.  Do we really need an act of God like Time to Revive to visit our town and spur the churches to action?  Can we unite behind compassion to reach the needy?  This missionary said it was not about adding numbers to a church. It was about discipleship wherever the person could grow.  This readiness about our community embraces Jesus’ command.  Do we get it?


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