God Did Some 'Splaining


God Did Some ‘Splaining

Genesis 1

     In a glass prism, white light enters.  It is bent.  This phenomenon is a mystery.  The glass slows down the speed of the initial light.  This is called refraction.  When light is slowed down, its frequencies change.  The spectrum colors that result regain their speed as they exit the glass.  Upon striking a surface, we see a rainbow of colors.  If I have explained this wrong, it is to be expected because refraction by a glass medium is still a mystery to me.

     Thankfully, God is not mysterious this way as we see Him work. He is the source, our sun.  The white light is Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is the glass prism.

     We cannot understand the whole package of God.  He is spirit.  We cannot see Him.  His mind is unsearchable to us.  Jesus, His Son, declares Him yet we still need a helper.

     The Holy Spirit comes to us and slows it down.  Precept upon precept and line upon line, the great Teacher reveals the complexity of our God in incremental steps.

     He truly is our glass prism.  He ‘splains or explains our God to us.  Through creation we understand His mighty attributes as His Spirit has shown us.


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