Is It Possible?


Is It Possible?

Psalms 32:8

  “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

Sons and Daughters, have we not a one so sensitive?  As One lying on a bed.  Without gesturing with hands, without raising His voice, He beckons us to His side.  “Come closer,” He says, “That I may know you.  And you know Me.”

We have entered into the great potential.  A relationship like no other.  Our Great Father, within and without, strives with us that we enjoy the blessing of His presence.

“Come closer,” He says.

Though He may not speak.  A rant nor rave He has thrown.  No fit to demand our attention.  We come to Him.  Even in more than wisdom.  Not just for what we want.  As a dear Father desires our togetherness, He wills us there.

So today, come close and read His eye.  Know His frustration.  Join Him in His gaze.  Focus upon His object of compassion.  Feel the tension His eyelids tell.

Is it possible?  Oh yes.


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