Not Meant To Stand Alone
Meant To Stand Alone
Today I saw a mental image. I saw a book of matches. The match heads were fanned away from the
base like someone positioning a hand of cards.
Thus, the heads were not close to touching.
Then I saw someone’s hand spreading the
match sticks. A rolling of fingers about
the thumb spread the matchbook wide. The
rolling fingers also signified money.
The first matchstick was set afire. It lit up and burnt down before the next
close by caught flame. They successively
caught fire this way one by one. Hence,
the light was not bright.
Then I saw another matchbook fire up. All its matchsticks were together and lit as
one. There was no putting out of this flame.
Has mammon isolated our churches like the spread-out
matchsticks? We fire up with zeal then
die out as other churches do not share our enthusiasm at that time. What if we all lit up at once? What if we were unified?
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