Where Do You Meet God?
Do You Meet God?
Noah had time while he worked upon the ark. Abraham talked in his sojourning. Moses had the tent of meeting. Jesus had a mountain.
Every good idea is from God. We cannot generate such things on our
own. We need help. Each of these put themselves in a place to receive
from the Lord. As was custom and their practice, their routine let God work His leavening into their lump. Something had to inflate their balloons to
face the day. God is faithful when they created
instances of conception.
Max bass, mid middle, max treble. Little flanger, half reverb. Metal lead, no gain, quarter volume. These are the setting of my Cube -20 Watt
Roland Amp that my wife bought me for a college graduation present. Mated with a lap steel guitar and slide, it
sounds like a revving semi powering down the interstate. It is driving music to my headphones.
Coupled with a cup of caffeinated coffee, I
meet the Lord in my Lazy-Boy recliner.
No voices, just good ideas. From
there I expound through writings the understanding He has given me for the
day. Divination? No, inspiration.
Where are you inspired by God? Do you find Him in a nature walk? Is He at the gym while you walk the tread
mill? Does the morning commute afford
the quiet time? He is faithful to open
our minds when we are aware.
His Word is a great reminder of His
perspective. It also is a great
authenticator. We pick up ideas throughout
the day. Which are from Him? His word acts as a sieve passing the least
and holding the greatest.
His character is another test. As we learn His eternal attributes, we
understand His forever counsel on matters as finance, relationships, etc..
Finally, His Spirit He has given for our
real time guide. Being sensitive to the
Spirit means to feel or sense His gentle nudging. Be careful of the compassion of Christ or the
quiet thought. He does not come as a
puppet master. In those moments, He
offers a way.
Where do you meet your Father? Do you jump up on His bed and snuggle with
Him amongst the sheets? Surely see His
great affection for you as He desires to share your day.
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