Blowing Evolution Out Of The Water


Blowing Evolution Out Of The Water

Swimming: WR holder Sarah Sjöström wins first Olympic title in 100m free

     Yah, that just happen!  Sarah hit the wall and was flabbergasted.  Overcome with emotion, she covered her mouth and cried the happy tears so common.  Common?  I see women swimmers from lands apart exhibiting the same reaction when they win.  In addition, their bodily contours are nearly identical as their sport demands.  Form does follow function.

     If we evolved from primordial soup over the last hundred thousand years, how can these global women be so similar?  Soup is soup.  I would expect meatballs on one continent and noodles on another.  If we all came from African Lucy, as I was taught, should not her daughters vary more than I see at the race’s start?

     The same swimsuits.  Legs, torsos, arms, with heads a joining depict the eight women as being sisters.  Their proportions are that of sprint swimmers, length of arms in ratio to legs.  Also, their muscle bulk is contrasted to gymnastic women.  Swimmers look leaner and more streamlined.

     I assume I am writing to the Church here.  We understand a person’s body harbors a spirit and a soul.  The spirit animates the body while the soul is the well of emotion felt.  So, tell me how evolutionists can explain identical responses seen?  No matter the country, the exuberance of winning is manifested so exactly.  Jumping, shouting, and shaking of fists into the air, winners' celebrations I see from the camera.  How is this so?

     Now to social scientists. They could say the swimmers’ upbringings and environments dictate the forecasted responses. Like conditioned dogs responding to the stimulus of a whistle.  But even moms and dads are in the stands hooting and hollering from every nation.  Explain that!

     A great many similarities are shared about the pool.  Wouldn’t Lucy’s granddaughters be more divergent since they trained separately, geographically and chronologically?  Just a question, a torpedo with a mother load.


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