Fractional Beings
Fractional Beings
God we have the opportunity to be made whole. But what does that mean?
An understanding of the
composition of man is essential before talking of this idea. God says we were created in His image. Correct. Adam was created in God’s full image. We are created in Adam’s image. This awareness is crucial. We are not gods. We are made in the similitude of God. We have fallen from perfection as Adam sinned
and brought down the entire race of Mankind.
So we look like the fallen Adam, our father from which we inherit our
Our minds are fully intact, however
suffering the fall, they are used sparingly. I heard it said we use a small
part of our brains when compared to the whole.
Since the mind and physical brain are intrinsically linked, our minds
are diminished. Yet, in referenced to
the image of God, our minds can perceive as needed.
Our souls can fully envelop the emotions
of God. As in sin, we are retarded yes,
but the feeling part of us can share in the experience God has put forth for
us. We live as beings in joy to despair. We display the full spectrum while walking
this life. Hence, the soul remains
unaffected by sin. Maybe stunted, but
none-the-less able to feel.
Our bodies fully house our spirit and
soul. Nothing has changed to that point. When to say we are made in God’s image by
looking at our physical bodies, we see His handiwork. However, God is spirit. So to say our bodies reflect Him makes no
sense. Genetically, through science, we
have found our makeup to be extremely lacking.
Mankind’s gene pool is becoming more polluted with every
generation. With mutations and weakness,
disease is becoming more of a threat. We
can protect our bodies through sanitation and such, but in the end, death comes
in various shades.
Finally our spirits are called into
question. Upon conception, the Great
Creator is confined by spiritual law which He has imposed upon Himself. Like surely begets like as He forms in the womb
a creature resembling its parents. Since
Adam, the original spirit of man has been dark.
Adam’ flashlight was switched off as he went into hiding afraid of the
Lord. Adam was formed in perfection of with
a spirit being pro-God always wanting Him. But after his sin he found
himself naturally wanting to turn away. So
by the inherited nature, we are born wanting to follow our father’s inclination to
turn from God. Our inborn spirits then
resist God. It is like the difference
between a wild animal and a tame animal.
Our spiritual afraidness of God is inbred.
So how does Jesus offer wholeness? If our minds can be renewed through proper
meditation and our souls can enjoy peace when reconciled to God, what remains
to be changed when our bodies remain the same?
Paramount in scripture lies this verse:
John3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily,
I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
And what is born again is a man’s spirit. His mind, soul, and body substantially remain unchanged at rebirth. Upon rebirth, Man’s flashlight switches on. He becomes pro-God for the first time, wanting the company of His new Father leaving the desires of his old father of Adam. This is the rebirth that must happen if we are to call ourselves children of God.
A test would be our cleaving to the
Light. Are we drawn to Him and His
people? Do we enjoy fellowship in time
spent in peace? Certain indicators point
to a person legitimately being born again in the spirit. The matter of the ensuing drive towards water
baptism and a desire to tell everyone of the good news is key.
When a man enters this world, he certainly
lacks. He is a fraction of the being God
intended. Although his mind, soul, and
body are there, his spirit is down in the dust.
What Jesus offers is another start with an energizer He calls
spirit. When He lights this up in a man,
all other parts of him share in the rejuvenation. This is the wholeness He works
when all the parts of man, with the promised future glorified body, come into
completeness at the end. In Jesus, this
is our hope as our bodies here see decay.
In fraction we walk, till we are redeemed. Until then, He rebirths us and seals
us with His spirit guaranteeing future glory.
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