God's Rocks
God’s Rocks
Exodus 20:25 “And if thou wilt make me an altar of
stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon
it, thou hast polluted it.”
1 Peter 1:5 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a
spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:1 “I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
1 Peter 1:8 “And a stone of stumbling, and a
rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient:
whereunto also they were appointed.”
God likes rocks. In fact, God made a lot of them. All are precious in His sight, yet He makes a
distinction between the common rocks and those in His collection. Blues, blacks, striped and spotted, He
collects an assortment.
I remember walking the western shore of
Lake Superior looking for agates. They were special in their appearance.
Little swirls of yellow and red characterized them as sunlight shown
through brightening their interior maze of colors. Cold water splashed about my ankles, warm
summer sun upon my head, and my family together in another Minnesotan
vacation. Life was good then being about
eight years old. Those were
Does God collect the same? Lively stones He said. Ones worth saving. We are being built up together into a temple
greater than ourselves separately. Not a
human tool upon us that we be not spoiled.
What God has formed for His pleasure, let no hand pollute.
Also we are sacrifices upon an altar not
made with human hands. Another picture
as God sketches an understanding. Human
hands corrupt. Only He could build an Altar
so able to support all of Man’s offerings to Him. This construction was to lift Man’s sacrifices
off the common earth. Only Jesus could
lift us to the holy, sanctified for His service.
God set a Stone in Zion. It was a pretty gem almost like a geode. The builders rejected it. On the outside, it had nothing to be desired
of. Geodes are dull round rocks bearing
the resemblance of formed mud balls.
When broken apart with a hammer, brilliant crystals line the
inside. Isn’t this Jesus? Death struck Him and His inner beauty shown
forth. To our surprise, this Man of
nothing was the chosen One whom God decided to build His church upon. What we rejected, God lifted up to glory.
Ever pick up a stone from the backyard and
think, “I hold something in my hand as old as the earth itself?” They tell a story as they imprint history
with fossils. Preserved birds and leaves
between the layers show an earth of another time. Records are kept within these silent
witnesses waiting to be uncovered and interpreted. So, God likes rocks.
Does not God like us? His affection is upon us akin to a diamond under the bright lights of a showcase. His church He holds up and shines the light of revelation upon Her. It is this multifaceted rock which He set in His Son never to be separated.
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