Run The Greens


Run The Greens

     I’ve noticed lately as I drive about Sioux City that I run more lights.  In fact, I speed through them, yet I’m never caught.  Yellow is for caution, but I get the greens.

     I have heard the expression, “The Lord will open doors.”  If He can guide my way about the city as I mind the speed limits, then He can work to free a path for those whom He has called.

     Passports?  Foreign travel?  God works in these things.  He can expeditiously acquire the paperwork needed.  I have heard testimonies.  When God opens a door, He lets the birds fly through it freely.

     I wear Keen safety footwear which look curiously like hiking boots as if I am ready to hit the trail walking about the city’s concrete.  I may look like a fool when the temperature gets hot, but blue jeans and boots continue to be my attire.  Sounds funny, but I am always prepared.  Flip flops don’t cut the mustard if I’d have to walk with a stalled car.

     When God opens doors, are we prepared?  When He lights the greens, does our forward momentum carry us through?  Will our faith meet His offering?

     I’ve heard another phrase, “Are you all prayed up?”  As if we had a tank that we rely upon to tackle the obstacles that threaten.  Rather the question should be, “Do you have a daily walk with Him in a direction that keeps your eyes looking upward?”   

     God calls us to incredible tasks.  Whether it be across the globe or at a mission in our backyard, we run in faith.  He calls us to partnership, weaving faith into garments which He displays in pride.  His children trusting in Him, what more can a Father ask?

     So when our Father says, “Jump!  I will catch you.”  Do we leap into His arms?  Through the open door, do we run or pause to inspect the jam and hinges?  If we stall too long, the light turns yellow.  In our caution, we miss our opportunity.  Trust He will guide you through the intersections of life.  Cross traffic will stop at His command as He parts the waters like Moses out of Egypt.  His proven character is renown, spanning time back to the garden.  If ever we had the propulsion of the Church with its history and testimony, we have it now.  Run through His doors.  Run the greens.


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