YHWH Not Rah Moves The Pen


YHWH Not Rah Moves The Pen

Exodus 3:6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

     Hebrews were monotheistic.  Maybe this statement throws some folks.  God the three in one?  How about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?  Confused yet?  Perfect unity in perfect, distinct personhoods.  Yah, God takes some figuring out.

      Rah didn’t.  Polytheistic weirdos caught up in a plethora of conflicting deities tailored to confuse the masses into a convergence of power meant to move rocks.  Just a guess.  God is greater than idols made with bloodied hands.

     Joseph Smith didn’t get the handle on it either.  Plenty of gold pens and a few tablets hid in the hills.  Mr. Mohammed spent his time with Gabriel.  How impressive!  Abu-Beker broke out and pronounced you dead.  A successor destined to ride go-carts in my hometown parade.  Something to be said of a legacy.  Fez!

     Romans chapter 1 says we, Mankind, did some selective remembering over the years.  God who?  Well, let’s just take Him off the mantle and replace Him with something tangible like a ‘rock.’  Make no idols.  God warns us of our corrupt imaginations.  A little leaven surely leavens the lump.  Adam’s pride was the real legacy.

     The positive note.  God’s realness can promote our genuineness.  The true God can spread His truth through us to the benefit of those around.  If that ain’t exciting, what is?  A simple quoting of His Word in due season can tip the scales and send darkness running.  Then, we all get a suntan in His Light.

     These are not the perfect, inerrant words of God.  No cult here.  Grape Kool aid and a jungle hasn’t called me or my followers.  We ain’t running to Salt Lake either.  Navoo was not big enough for extra-Biblical publicists.  To add or detract from the last Book, bears a curse.  Better keep your nose to the pages; monks in faithful replication.  But yet, I write.

     To suppose the Holy Spirit cannot inspire thought is ludicrous.  We move in the Spirit when we agree with Him.  We accomplish all kinds of good works which He has foreordained for us to walk in.  His power we have known and in His power, we boast.  We have come aware of our frailty against the forces of the world.  So to complete anything requires His strength.

     Rah sure had a big mouth.  His prophets sunk words in the pit.  Down his throat to well back up from his belly.  Like a big, sandstone Buddha that didn’t smile.  His penmanship stunk.   


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