Another Day


Another Day

     “You gotta wake up for something.”  I remember telling my oldest daughter that.  As she lay in her bed, I asked her what that was.  Being a swimmer, I don’t think she said, “Morning practice.”

     What gets us out of bed in the morning?  Seriously, does Depression meet us when we open our eyes?  Do the pains and aches of a poor night’s sleep hold us back under the covers?  How about the chill of the bedroom air and a cold floor?  The first hurdle is the biggest.

     Something has to buzz through our heads.  Thought coupled with the heart drive must throw our bodies out of the reclined state.  Another day…ugh!

     What got Jesus up in the morning?  Caviar and crumpets didn’t make His breakfast plate.  One of the Mary’s doubtfully sang to Him a wake-up song.  “Jesus, oh Jesus, time to wake for dawn is nigh.  Jesus, oh Jesus, time to rise and shine…”  No.

     He had to wake up for something like the rest of us.  He knew a hard night’s sleep.  Grumpy sat on the edge of His bed while Irritation threw gravel on His floor.  “Another day, oh God?  Another day.”

     Jesus was a man primarily.  His flesh He did not deny.  As God, He voluntarily took upon weakness when He lowered Himself here.  Now able to be tempted, He walked in dependence showing His disciples true strength.

     If ever you thought morning feelings were unique to you, know that Jesus ran the gamut without grumbling or complaining.  Even when death met His morning tea, Jesus saw light and gave others hope.

     Please Lord, let me rise today and grace others as You did.  Please let this morning’s wake up tell others they are special to You.  Thank you for another day.


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