Why Movies Work


Why Movies Work

     You do realize that Man is the only creature that wears clothing.  Maybe we are the only ones who have something to hide.

     The lawn mower buzzes, the leaf blower hums, and the trimmers threaten fingers.  So script we our environs.  We throw money to the curb of our properties.  Subdue the weeds and uproot the unwanted grasses which march across the green flats.  Determine the boundaries neatly set between what is order and what is wild.

     Man is the only wild thing on earth.  All other creation obeys its Maker.  Only in Man do we find freewill, the ability to challenge God at His mark.  Hence, we strive to sculpt our surroundings.  We do so to cut our anxieties.  In the wilderness, we fear recompense.  In that testimony, we hear His voice warning us.  In our back garden, His voice is muffled in what we have determined to be reality.

     Gate the community!  Obey the sedentary ordinances so given to keep order and ensure all are respectable.  No imagination beyond the quadrant is allowed.  Certainly, no eyesore to diminish the next property value.

     Have you walked in the forest lately?  It is as if God never heard of a gate.  Sprawling foliage crowds upon trees so needing pruned that a good wind could lay them flat.  There is no rhyme or reason to the thicket one beholds.  Yet, in perfect obedience, seeds grow where they fall.

     Have you walked Main Street lately?  It is as if Man never heard of dignity.  Men and women in jacked up clothing, showing skin which should be hidden.  Upon the t-shirts are derogatory slogans raping one’s glancing eye.  Not all be friendly and suspicions abound

     Relationships follow Man’s way.  Suspicions abound.  It usually isn’t boy meets girl, they date, they marry, and have a baby who grows up to earn lots of money.  Somewhere the cart is forced before the horse and the driver is thrown to the side.  Veering half-hazardously off a straight path, the whole caboodle careens onto the winding way called accidental life.  Hence, we all need insurance because much is unplanned.

     It is our need for a gated community.  We need to know what is expected.  Around another corner brings the same view.  What has before will continue to be.  We explore and bring to submission an unruly mass which makes no sense to us.  Anxiety propels a broadened path to pave the undergrowth with prosperity.  We conquer, but we cannot conquer God.

     Movies excel because they streamline relationships in a stripped 90 minute time frame.  No anxiety.  No weeds.  No reality.  The baby earns money in the end.  We escape into the black void of someone else’s imagination.  We then get snapped out of the trance when they roll the credits.

     God doesn’t work like Walt Disney.  Real relationships look more like the forest.  We bud and multiply.  Like the wild, we grow entangled in our own wills.


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