Rant And Rave

Rant And Rave

Matthew 13:42 “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Acts 7:54” When they heard these things they were [h]cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.” (NKJV)

2 Peter 2:5 “And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

     Think it no big thing if they make a stink.  Resistance is not a new thing.  The gospel goes forth like a grass fire burning the dross and leaving behind a clearing for new growth.  Some are not happy with the flame.  In fact, they muster an opposing wind in hopes it will turn back on itself, but Jesus’ heat is jalapeno hot.  His Church will not be thwarted.  He sees to it as He has for the last 2,000 years.

Matthew 16:18 :And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

     Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin could not crush Her as they tried with corruption and threats.  Furthermore, Muslim terrorists under American radar will not exhume prophet Muhammad to crown him king.  It does not work that way.

     Romans chewed up Christians in their glorious colosseum.   Personally, I would miss it on my tour of Rome.  Too many bad memories and the echo of my brothers’ blood may cause me to vomit on the premises. I can imagine furious spectators enthralled with violence.  “Hey Honey, let’s take in a movie.”  Kinda like that but the smell was real.

     Since the cross, the enemy has been restricted.  Like a caged lion at the zoo, he roars to invoke fear.  His weapons once stripped, he works with what he has left - teeth.   Pearly whites kept clean with the blood of martyrs show to scare.  Jesus in vertical bars keeps its strength as the enormous beast presses against them.  He certainly is a sight to behold but not to spend the day with.  Afterall, monkeys are just down the way.

     Do we die in today’s battlefield?  Yes, the enemy still stirs up men against us.  In Paul’s time stones were plentiful but now we know them as bullets.  Our martyrs stare down the barrel and face being imprisoned and tortured.  Crimson drops fall as our God cries.  Mistake not that He feels the pain, yet He has called us to confront them.

     Israel had to make a show.  In faith, they amassed for battle.  Routing was accredited to the Almighty.  In Ephesians, He robes us in armor.  Standing, we have to make a show.  Our own resistance we gather and endeavor to pray for the saints.  “To that end,” He says.  In other words, don’t get so caught up in demon warfare that you forget your struggling brothers.

     They will gnash, but they will also weep.  Our fight is not against flesh and blood.  Angry dogs may bark, but they still need food.  We as Christians know the real fight and what drives their snarling accusations.  Behind bars their master lies.  He breathes threats and they glory in knowing his dark ways as if witchcraft could conquer light.

     Do not be disheartened brothers and sisters.  You have God behind you.    


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