Such Heavy Writings!


Such Heavy Writings!

     Isn’t discipleship more than correction and admonition?  Surely.  Even the disciples stopped to smell the roses when they walked with the Master.  Sometimes you need to put the blues away and let your brain go to the jazz.

     Jazz is known for its ability in propensity.  It gives freedom to vent a man’s spirit by breath of non-orchestrated fume rising upward to the heavenlies.  As if speaking in tongues were a sign, then jazz gives reassurance to man’s makeup.  There is something hidden within him that expresses itself.  To deny a man’s spirit is to link us with the animals.  We certainly share animation, yet we possess the soul.

     This morning is the Avalon Jazz Band to my earphones.  Primarily a French composition of players, they are certainly music to my happy ears!  Singing in French, my brain is not taxed with filtering lyrics before they rest in my inner being.  Just turn on the MP3 and let it play.

     When all the blocks are checked.  When the spaces are covered.  When the house is in order and I know my place, the music plays in lightness.  As if we could dance into another day.  Do we do the David thing?  In front of his enemies, he did a little jig then let them have it.  Maybe moon walking in Air Jordans he’d climb into if given the chance.  Courage in the face of supposed disaster, won him God status.  Or at least God-like.

     A man after my own heart.  What was on his strings?  Playing for the sheepies, bear and cougar ranged about, yet he strummed away.  Can we hum to sing in the face of today’s anxieties?  Bills!  Kids to school.  He doesn’t understand me and communication breaks down.  “It will never be better.”  The devil comes to sap your energy turning your bright light down.  Slowly the wick descends, an oily smell arises and soot clogs transparent glass.

     I put fuel injector cleaner into the gas tank of my Honda CRV.  Hitting 4000 rpm on the onramp blows out the cobbs.  Sometimes we are like a bogged down two cycle needing a high rev to get the heat needed.  Like jalapenos to our innards, a gas fire ignites with a voluptuous surprise.  Hormones in activity give the chill as we are taken back by our reaction.  Sometimes the body knows the kick needed to get us out of humdrum.

     Party!  To everything there is a season, a time under heaven.  Ecclesiastes three proves a point.  God is not all about routine.  Eat the cotton candy today and ride the rollercoaster!


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