Taking Him Up On His Offer


Taking Him Up On His Offer

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

     You know we are not talking about Heaven here.  The torture we feel is self-inflicted passed down from generation to generation.  Starting with Adam, is it the curse upon the earth?  We plant corn and up comes weeds.  Maybe that is what Jesus is talking about.  Rest, pure rest from our labors.  Easy cheesy, the life of bliss I’m ready for.  Jesus, You are really a good guy.

      Or maybe He is talking about rest from our works which futilely make us righteous.  Like God, resting from His works.  In Hebrews He says He has a rest for His people.  Those reading the book should not fail to enter into it like their ancestors.  They should not harden their hearts as in the day of their rebellion.  In other words, when God says Jesus is Savior and King, believe Him.

     Or maybe Jesus is talking about His mission.  His one glorious reason for coming here in the first place.  In the previous verse, He nails it.

Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

     Jesus is all about revelation.  Why on earth would Jesus so want to tell us about the Father?  Some intellect trip proving He indeed was the Son of God?  Coming under a false pretense of humility, He launched an all-out offensive towards the dorks of religion called Pharisees.  Jesus’ mission?  No.

     Ever try to convince a wild dog you didn’t want to hurt them?  I saw a video of a person releasing a coyote from a foothold trap.  The animal wasn’t a happy camper and let the freedom fighter know it.  Thankfully the dude didn’t get his leg bit off.

     Jesus tried really hard to convince us God wasn’t the big meanie. He was the freedom fighter and told us God did not set the trap.  In fact, we had set our own trap.  Like dogs, we chased and bit our own tails.  We indeed needed rest.

Hebrews 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

     Our need was much bigger than rest from physical or righteous works.  We needed God our Father.  No one comforts a little one like their parent.  Since Adam, rage was passed down.  Ducking personal accountability, we shoved ownership away from the source.  Since God was invisible, He became a viable target.  The one problem, our soul ached.

     Never created to be in contention with God, Jesus knew our real need.  He also knew His Father’s need.  Jesus the great peacemaker stood in the gap as the Godman.  Rectifying God in His holiness and redeeming Man in his worthlessness, Jesus brought the two together in one.

     Thank you Jesus for bringing rest to our souls. As children, we craved our Father’s attention since conception.  Only through You were we able to stop fighting.  You said You would wipe away every tear.  You already have.


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