The Big Disconnect


The Big Disconnect

Genesis 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Genesis 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 10:25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.

     Perhaps we do not fully understand the implications of Adam’s decision.  How he ushered in confusion and mischief, enough to beguile his post generational counterparts.  He donned the prisoner’s garments.  Orange became his familiar attire.  Wherever he went, creation saw him as he stuck out.

     What was the Lord to do with breeding and multiplying vermin?  Violence now enveloped their hearts like a welcomed stranger.  In addition, contrary to commandment the rodents sought to gather and make a name for themselves.  Scurrying about the great cheese, Babel was to be their conquest against God.  A drop from Heaven smashed their dreams.  They scattered as water fallen in all directions.  But if that were not enough, earth itself broke to further separate colonies threatening to organize crime.

     Drastic?  Imagine a classroom of twenty fifth graders suddenly given to bad behavior.  They band together with the same initiative and chase the teacher out.  She runs to the principal.  He comes seeing whatever they determine is beyond restraint.  As they start breaking windows and writing curse words on the board, he waves his magic wand changing their speech.  Each is confused driving into the room’s corners for comfort only to arise again after the initial shock.  Pandemonium continues as the separate parties start fighting amongst themselves. The principal in desperation isolates groups each to their own classrooms.  Only in this division is the rebellion quelled.

     Not God’s original of idea of peace on earth.  Harmony with Adam was His aim after all creation was set.  The pinnacle of generation found in Man fell from the steeple.  So flattened he on the ground, it was only in God’s rescue did he breathe again.

     God surely pronounced him dead.  Only by divine intervention could the creature again commune as intended.   Man’s predicament did not take God by surprise.  A Volunteer before the earth was seen agreed to walk the walk to salvation.

     The big disconnect and complications which followed.  God purposely setting up roadblocks to warn Man before the cliff.  Destruction waited for the headstrong.  Thus, He dismembered vehicles.  Calipers and rotors skidded on the spark strewn surface. 

     What God had purposed for use had to be violated.  Severing communication’s cord, He turned His back on Man.  Only in sacrifice, could Man grab His ear.  Man had to express his want to before God would spend time with him now.

     In coming to Christ, we express our desire to be plugged in.  Communion once again.  What was lost with Adam, now secured.  His bandwidth increases as we seek Him more.  Opportunities become endless as we find God infinite in His being.  Our great Father.  Knowing Him is life.


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