The Hollowcost


The Hollowcost

I didn’t misspell.  It’s a play on words except, in this case, there were no winners. 

The Holocaust was Nazi Germany's deliberate, organized, state-sponsored persecution and genocide of approximately six million European Jews.

- a quote taken from the National WWII Museum in New Orleans.

     I am no fool.  I do not deny the Horrific that words cannot describe.  My brothers and sisters were gathered and forced to eat poison like unwanted rats.  Oh, I know how they died.  Again, a figure of speech.

     I am reminded of a success story.  King Ahasuerus’ second proclamation allowed the Persian Jews to fight for themselves.  That they did.  Now we have Purim to commemorate the rallying cry against Hamman’s plot.  The one to exterminate in the name of pride because of Mordecai’s unwillingness to bow.  We celebrate that event yearly, but there is no gladness following WWII for the fallen.

     Why the Hollowcost?  Well, did this murderous act eat out the world’s soul?  Did we have to see again Man’s nature if left to its own?  I thought we were better than that.  No, another testimony.  Thousands more have been buried since then. Totalitarian governments take aim at the powerless.  Senseless killing spreads its demonic, leathery wings.  Grasping talons pierce and hold to extinguish breath.  In nature, it is expected.  Amongst humanity, it should never be named.

     I feel for the Jews.  No, I should never say that.  I don’t know what it is like.  To imagine the unimaginable would keep me up at night.  After all, torture is torture.  When it hits kin, their album pictures would only bring tears.

     Judeo-Christian teaching tells us we are all related.  Descended from Mother Eve, red blood runs in everyone’s veins.  Cutting a man and seeing fear in his eyes casts a soul far from brotherhood status.  We create atrocities to see them squirm.  A certain pleasure lies in the back of our brains.  A hand of power given to enslavement wells up in all.  Hitler, after all, was our brother.

     Breathe deeply.  A sigh gives way to relief.  Never again?  A glideslope ridden till the return of Christ?  No, man hates man.  Cain picks up another rock.  Descended from a murderer himself, blood in the field came expectedly.  We focus on the instrument as if to strip it from the hand would solve a universal problem.

     Gold, diamonds?  What could be given to heal Man’s leprous soul?  Contagion runs through his being like black death.  The power of Jesus’ blood should never be underestimated.  Submersion in the crimson tide would have turned Adolf into a choir boy.

     Thank you, Lord.  You give us a way out of inner Hell.  You came for more than glory.  You sought release.  You knew the binding clasp that chewed at our heel.  A Hollowcost, surely.






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