The Indicative Persuasion


The Indicative Persuasion

     How many gods on the world’s playing field compel their worshippers to know them?  Furthermore, how many provide an in-depth manual aimed at that goal?  Finally, one that personally came to convince us of His character.  What gods have done that?

     I am not an expert in the religions.  I understand “Allah” means “obey.”  Seems rather shallow.  Another religion is to do life over again till you get it right.  Like rewashing a towel in the machine.  Buddhism is becoming one with everything.  I can wait on that one.  My ignorance may shine through, but I wager I am not missing the mark when I call false religions impersonal.

     Come over to my house and you will understand who I am.  Scanning the walls of my attire, you see what I exalt.  Pictures of my children cover parts of my living room and entryway.  Framed art shows my fondness for expression.  My wife’s hedgehog collection stands in view.  Our dining room combines functionality in eatery with a crafting space.  The galley kitchen utilizes appliances standing on a well-worn tile floor.  Upstairs bedrooms get their use as occupants daily fill them.  Thus, my dwelling is indicative of my person.

     They say actions speak louder than words.  My house testifies of me only in a stoic sense.  Unless you meet the man, your understanding is not fulfilled.  God in His creation shows His basic character in authority and power.  Wonder strikes the heart when we examine His creatures.  We gaze upon all creation yet yearn to hear the silent voice of God.

     Jesus came to be that voice.  He flipped the switch to the amplifier.  Grabbing the microphone, He had something to say.  Cords linked input to the God power.  AC/DC He did not know for He came through straightway.  His words told of His Father is a wanting state.  He was the great salesman.  Jesus had something of worth and the world was His intended audience.  Persuasion He mastered in truth with parables.  Calling ones to reason and impelling their hearts to a Father who loved them, Jesus voiced the message.

     What did Jesus’ ministry indicate of the Father?  More than His words or His healings, the whole package set on our doorstep of perception beckons interest beyond the papered camouflage.  Set a stake through His heart and what did we get?  The FedEx guy would stumble back to his van and zoom away.  Jesus didn’t run.  Pleading at the door, a continual knocking constituted His calling.  Like a postal delivery man who swore to get the package through, even hard heartedness could not stop His mission.  Persuasion lies at the doorbell of life.  Our Father wants our intimacy.

     Jesus’ run here flew the banner.  Streamers got Him recognition as He focused the crowd’s attention to the winner’s podium.  His life He poured out to indicate our Father’s heart in the intention of reconciliation.  Has He persuaded you?



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