And Things May Change


And Things May Change

     Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed?  Literally?  Stupor reaches for the light.  There is none.  Darkness hides the way while Clumsy knocks about a floor strewn with undergarments.  Perception lists to the right grasping for a support that once was there.  Failing, a muttered curse breathes from within.  Another day on the wrong foot.

     Jesus comes to give life and to give it more abundantly.  He does not come to take away our woes.  Pain we shall endure here.  What He offers is His hand.  Life is gained in knowing Him.  For to share in His sufferings furthers our bonding with our Father.

     I am not talking of the usual trials everyone here experiences.  Cancers, tuberculosis, influenza and a barfing into the toilet.  We’ve all been there.  Last night’s dinner is put on grand display before we flush it.  Rudimentary ills suffered by a populace so given to fast food and disposable diapers poses a wonder how we survive at all.  We shoot ourselves in the foot and wonder why we wake with a hangover.

     Wisdom cries aloud in the streets.  Her voice is heard in self-control and a denial of the gratifications that lead to destruction.  A spirit of reasoning sweeps across this land asking us to pause and consider.  Hence, we are still under the grace of His presence.  He has not left us.  Time and again, we understand His hand held as a policeman in traffic to stop oncoming traffic.  The law is here and substantiates a claim over our anachronism.  Our timing is not right as gears grind with reality.

     More than waking up wrong.  We are predisposed to fall.  His needed hand is here to help.  He asks us to follow and avoid stones in the path.  Common consequences happen to all men as a rule of thumb here.  Yet He offers comfort from retaliation not known to those blissfully floating with the current of existence.  If we were to mind only what sustains us, we would have no enemy except those wanting to steal our cookies.  Christians stand up for righteousness.  In this, we bear the heat of rejection and ridicule in our adherence to the Man of the cross.

     Things may change, but doubtful.  We are in for the long haul when we sign up for His army.  Persecutions within and without.  We draw fire from each successive village we walk through.  Some however peaceful while most we shake the dust off our sandals.  Our uniforms so marked have us distinguishable from the air.  The prince comes to overshadow in intimidation.  He poses his minions behind men to relay his cacophonous voice meant to disorganize our thoughts.  It is warfare.  We struggle to load our weapons with truth as IED’s meet our feet.

     Isaiah 52:How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

     That is all well and good, but my car won’t start and my neighbors are laughing.  Furthermore, I am running late to a boss who could care less of my troubles.  Rent is due. Bills are on the table.  My wife is sick again with something that won’t go away.  Kids need their shots before school will even touch them.  And You want me to care?

     I pick up my cross.  I wear it around my neck.  I mark “Christian, non-denomination” on the paper.  So I identify with You.  Yet You want more.  Trench warfare I have not known.  Mandatory subscription was the only answer my pastor gave over the pulpit.  I came down front and knelt before the altar.  What was in show I thought necessary to pledge my allegiance to the faith of my righteous denomination.  I was labelled and I took my complimentary Bible home.

     It sat on the shelf.  No particular draw to its pages.  Frankly, the Book is confusing to me.  Some hold it dear to their heart while I see it as cold stone.  If I burned it, maybe I’d feel the warmth, but my eyes grow dim to its light.  Oh Lord, if You are there, please help.

     Will things change?  He calls us to rise above.  Rise above ourselves.  Rise above our neighbors.  Keep shooting down lies.  Our defense is a shield of faith.  Truth goes out and enlightens those around.  It is not easy.  He wants us to make a difference.  Be as salt to this spoiling world.  This charge He has given and will not change.


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