And What Am I To Do With You?


And What Am I To Do With You?

Mark 4

“Our choice.”  That’s what the pastor said.  What we do with Jesus is up to us.


     30, 60, 100?  His word is to bear fruit, but first comes the roots.  Without understanding, we suffer when trials come.  No water up from beneath.  We lack and wither.  Winds blow and threaten.  Our relationship with Him solidifies a base.

     What do roots look like?  They look like the upper plant.  The plant is the manifestation of the root and soil agreement.  The plant is simply the interaction with the sun.  The trials of the sun will always be there.  Healthy roots yield a harvest.

     What does it mean to be rooted in Christ?  More than head knowledge and memory verses.  More than church attendance and Bible studies.  More than the religious activities we busy ourselves with.  We must get our hands dirty.

     Upon hearing the command of God, do we shrug it off?  Do we pretend it is for someone else?  Sensing it is not the proper time, do we hide the note in our Bible?  What do we do with God’s word?

     “Yes Sir!”  Do you think this one will drive their roots deep?  How about a call and response over the rows?  God commands us to work the soil He’s given.  Obedience thrusts its hands down deep.

     My dad taught me how to plant a tree.  Don’t just dig a hole.  Dig a big hole.  And when it is big enough, get down on all fours and attack the dirt to make it mind.  Bust up clods and soften the lower bedding.  Beat the tree roots to activate them.  Set the ball into a crevasse fit to funnel water to the base.  Secure the tree by tamping dirt then water with root starter when the hole is half filled.  Finish by adding more dirt around.  Pay particular attention in the following days to give it a full drink.

     I have used this procedure with God’s word.  Learning to work the soil in obedience has caused increase.  Looking about me, peace I see.  Relationships abound because I have received His commands personally.  Early digging got me a Strong’s Concordance and a Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.  When money was scarce, $100 bought me a Dakes Bible.  In Germany, the local Christian store was our favorite shop.  We cut 10% off gross and began giving to the church.  We got really turned on to Christ and our bank account showed it.  For where a man’s treasure is, there his heart is also.

     Today, I mostly read the Bible.  Best book ever written.  God is responsible to provide His interpretive Spirit to reveal His mind whenever I open the pages.  I scarcely look elsewhere except for alternate terminology.

     Want to grow?  30, 60, 100?  You choose.  Receive the Word.  Obey.


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