Circumstantial Leading


Circumstantial Leading

     A warning to brothers and sisters.  Red flags may fly, caution lights blink, a soothsayer may encompass your heart’s court whispering another way.  The world laughs to see us running circles in doubt and faith intertwined as if they have fellowship.  We cannot braid dissimilar chords and expect them to bear the weight of works so ordered by the Almighty.

     Is witchcraft so distant?  Do we look for signs in the entrails of a chicken?  Is it right to seek the will of God by divination?  Afterall, we require the right to determine our own steps, right?

     Do not make for yourselves any graven image in the similitude of heaven above or in the earth beneath.  Our idols we hold up to eclipse the Light given.  Like golden compasses in the hands of children.  Our faith turns its eyes down focusing on the arrow which can be turned by other gravitational forces not seen.  Dead reconning grabs its meaning for the blind lead the blind and both fall into a ditch.

     I once heard a charlatan pastor pour a message over the podium.  With a heated gleam in his eye, a stable mind he did not know as his brain squirmed within.  He detailed four ways we could know God’s will.  One point lay in his weeds of illogic:  We can know God’s will by circumstances around.  In other words, if caught in the chasm of the unknown, we can determine His wanting by taking a look around.

     In college, the instructor said Indians, of India, determined their calling by their placement in reality.  If they be a father, then be the best father possible.  If finding themselves in a situation, work to be the best at whatever.  As if the wave rises to drive the surfer.  The power is behind so ride what be.

     Christians are called otherwise.  Two eighty horse, Evinrude outboards drive the craft to cut the waves of resistance that the skier may ride atop the surface of death in glory.  See the difference?  When the goal is determined, when it is realized by conception in the mind and empowered by heart’s desire, thorns suddenly grow over the path mocking our resolution.  It is the way of Christ in this world.  If we are to pause and wonder of God’s wanting, then we roll the dice to determine another way?

    We wonder with our heads spinning round.  We lift so high to know God’s will we forget first base.  Our first love is for Him.  Fall into affection with the great Father of our souls.  Spend time at His feet and let Martha figure out the ham.  What were His plans for the rest of the day?  Mary didn’t care.  She was enraptured with His presence rested in her abode.

     Brothers and sisters.  Please don’t worship God’s will.  It is an idol that requires your firstborn.  It is better to walk with the One who holds your hand.  In any situation, He can make good.  Being freaked about making a wrong decision leads us to OCD and a tentative hand off the throttle.  Is there slack on the rope?  Does the skier go under?  We depend on you to keep your spirit heathy.  Worrying produces spiritual cancer.  Your plague is best left outside the camp of the saints.

     Our Father knows our thoughts before we think them.  If you have the Spirit, then He already works in your being.  Circumstantial leading makes no sense when He counsels at your wheel.

Call upon Him to overcome.


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