It's About Time


It’s About Time

2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

Hebrews 4:7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

     We can only push God off for so long.  He comes to us in delicate offerings then a louder voice if we turn.  We hear Him in the corrective voice of our parents.  A further straying takes us to bounce against the church walls.  Smoking weed gets us on the wrong side of the school.  Finally, state’s wisdom lights up our rearview mirror.

     In America, we have the fourplay option.  From parents to police, He can come to us even if we do not listen.  How blessed is this nation!  Four safety nets under the high wire act if we fall.  I understand even the harshest one pulled tight to protect society still gives much.  In prison, inmates are given time to read and reconsider their ways before release.  Even Christian ministry bands take music to comfort and convict those in confines.  It’s a soft society.

     My daughter bowls on a special needs league.  Her ball is thrown down a lane with gutters filled with long cushions.  Other bowlers use ramps to accelerate the ball at the release point.  The main draw is popcorn and friends.  Competition scores are not the emphasis.  Friendly smiles matter most.  It is in this adaptive form of reality she thrives ignoring the shrewd coldness of an outside cutthroat world.

     In Italy, they warned us.  The Carabinieri took matters seriously.  Standing on the edge of the road, one would hold a small lollipop and the other shouldered a machine gun.  If signaled to stop, nationals then pulled over to show papers.  Thankfully, Americans were exempt from traffic stops.  But, the show of force lingered in back of our minds to deter mischief.

     I wonder what cushions Iran or China give their citizens.  North Korea doesn’t give donuts behind bars.  Convicted felons get shackled I think.  Confinement in these sharp countries is like sleeping on nails. Homeless or jail?  It’s a no brainer.  Cable T.V. and a cot under a flashing vacancy sign is not the picture.

     Persons in other countries do not know soft bumpers as we do.  The law is the law.  Crossing it comes in a ramped violation of rights.  Police brutality?  Well, force needed for the individual to succumb.  A bit over the top is just a warning to those watching.

    The Romans excelled in their calling.  Tortured and whipped.  Beat and flogged.  Blood on flesh cried aloud through streets as the convicted dragged their carcass to an execution hill.  Hanging in the wind filled the air like unhallowed incense.  This entire show was to deter future acts crossing authority.

     “Today is the day,” saith the Lord.  “Now is the time of salvation.”

 Matthew 10:28 :And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

     There is ultimate Authority.  He gives cushions in this life.  Mercy flows as He gives us second chances, but we do not know our time of presentation.  Please do not appear before the Lord empty handed.


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