


     Lily Mae.  You arrived today at 1:30 a.m.  A hectic hospital run you did not make for your parents wanted you at home.  In that pioneering spirit, they teach you independence.  Living off the grid is in their hearts so I warn you.  Your future chore may be to clean the goats’ pen!  That grain embedded in your parents extends out to the branches.  If the trunk defies a worldly pull and lifts you high, then much will be expected.

     You have the responsibility to manifest your influences.  Sap rises from beneath and flows through your veins.   You are indeed one with something greater.  Grandparents on both sides have combined to feed the trunk ensuring its strength.  A further reach has gathered goodness from previous generations.

     You are no mistake.  God in His right mind grants blessing.  As a branch from a mighty oak, your extension will grab the light and wave in the breeze.  Your girth will know successive years of growth under His hand.  That is how the Kingdom encourages if you let.

     By the power of the Almighty, please join us in declaring His power overshadowing the forest floor.  He affords sunshine to those who seek Him.  Know your bent.  Your parents have extended their hand open to Him who can take further on.  As a tender shoot protruding from that which is weathered, desire Him who can stay the winds of adversity.  Your relations, in faces testifying, will tell of God who was there to see them through storms of trials.

     We have all made our decision.  Cleaving to the Master of the forest, we grow in conformity to the One who suffered.  He took upon Himself His own cross.  Having been lifted high upon that tree, He reached for life.  A bright light from Heaven shown upon Him then extinguished.  Left to Himself, He withered in darkness as His life blood drained away.

     The shoot from the stump Jesse did not fail but set the example.  He arose from roots so prophesied.  At a specific time, light cast upon scripture revealed Him as the Messiah.   After baptism, He so bloomed and attracted those seeking the righteousness He offered.  Peculiar leaves marked Him as One never seen before.  The tree’s bark withstood sharp criticisms of deliberate axmen.  Reaching to the heavens, He pointed the way to eternal life.  Prophets in foretelling ran up and down His trunk declaring God’s word to those inclining their ears to hear.  Finally, at time appointed, He fell after His full completion.

     In the newness of life, we have been raised up.  As a great forest of witnesses, we stand to testify of this Man’s goodness.  Please join us as we clap our hands.


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