Why Corporal Punishment Is Necessary


Why Corporal Punishment Is Necessary

     Children understand pain.  They also understand comfort after an infraction.  If done appropriately in accordance with the individual child’s temperance, this manner of correction is most advantageous.

     This society seeks to embolden the child’s rights at the expense of the caretaker’s hand.  Castration is the norm as eunuchs line the daycare walls.  Mom and Dad are absent.  Being the only ones with hopes of parental rights, they pass off this to outsiders.

     Do I want strangers hitting my kids?  No.  But no governmental authority should reach its hand into my house to usurp the authority I establish.  DHS, last I knew, drew the line with a mark still present after twenty-four hours.  That seems reasonable for I do not seek to torture my children, only to stop their action in a “pause, prompt” nature.

     I could cite the Bible.  We all know “spare the rod and spoil the child.”  But the Father’s heart is laid out in further detail.  Exactly what does it take for the child to fear?  We are to instill in them a rightful understanding.  Love provides its guidance with warnings, but fear sounds its voice in commandments.  What underscores the sign, “High Voltage.  Don’t Touch.”  A sneaking or playful taunt of just once, gets one killed.  Hence, we are to use the rod of correction to drive folly out their hearts.

     Some basic commands a young one should master by two years of age are stop and come.  If these two aren’t enforced with consistency, the household is out of control.  The blessing of the third child is great.  What was tolerated by Mom or Dad now gets kicked to the side as necessity drives quick obedience.  Having four or five straightens up the authority structure.  The correct response becoming, “Yes Mam, no Mam.”

     A child’s understanding of consequences starts in the home.  Granted, if the parents are not consistent in their discipline, then gambling becomes learned.  If a hand threatens only to forget, but then side swipes in an instant, confusion provokes anger in their hearts.

     God calls for a consistent pressure.  A father’s existence in the home should exact the tension needed to keep family strings taut.  As God has delegated authority to His Son, He passes it down to the father.  The father then commissions his wife in his absence.  Thus, when the child disobeys his mother, that ripple goes all the way up to God Himself.

     Corporal punishment takes this form at a young age when they first understand, “no.”  A simple slapping of the back of the hand.  A stern look, a bit of pressure.  Spanking may be the last resort.  Whatever resistance is needed from the parent to apply the brakes to wrongful behavior.  A child’s tears are only temporary.  When he or she is convinced you do not take pleasure in inflicting pain, they can begin to understand God’s heart.

     To my knowledge, none of my seven children have spent a night in jail.  Corporal punishment was the norm in our home.  If they turned against their mother or me, a wooden spoon sometimes met their bare butt.  Did I overdo it?  Yes, at times.  Was it always in love?  Sometimes in anger.  But I do remember praying with them after administering correction.

     Today I enjoy mature relationships with my children.  In peace we exchange ideas.  I see them disciplining their own children.  However, not always as they grew up with, my influence is seen.


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