Two Divine Commands


Two Divine Commands

Philippians 2:14 Do all things without [d]complaining and disputing,

     What?!  Is the Bible written only for those who bow the knee to Jesus?  And how will God judge the earth?  Surely books of works will be opened before Him.  Men will be rendered accordingly.  But what of this perfect law penned down?  It goes without saying.

James 3:1”My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.

      God holds all accountable.  The ignorant, the student, and the teacher.  He will evaluate individuals’ lives as they stand up to His righteousness.  Yes, those reborn will He judge with His Son in mind.  Sterling silver not tarnished but nonetheless will be inspected by the Father.  Our works He will try with fire.  Whatever left will be ready for glory.

     However, God has dropped this truth down on Man.  In whatever form, His mind will be conveyed by missionaries or others.  “Do all things without complaining and disputing.”  Even in the Book of the Revelation, angels fly across the heavens and proclaim the gospel.  Then the end will come.  So He gives truth then bases His judgement on our knowledge of that truth.

     Woe to the man who knows better!  Having no leg to stand on before the King, his ignorance he cannot lift up as a defense.  It would be better for that man if he had never heard of Jesus.  Still, from a moralistic stance, Jesus will judge each man according to his conscience.  Inherited from Adam, we all struggle with right and wrong.  Guilt is universal and drives us to do weird things to eradicate this feeling from our souls.

     Penitent hearts before Him plead for His mercy.  Knowing the nature of the Divine, truly sorry individuals earn His consideration.  After all, what is Man?  Creatures from the dust and flowers that wilt with the noonday sun.  Fleeting breath as mist that passes before His throne.  Yet, He requires more.

     An individual God knows us individually.  His eye is upon all and perceives even those that hide.  He records the vulgar, those in violation of the above standard.  When a man complains of his plot here, he criticizes the God who made him.  Casting blame to Heaven, the man seeks to justify himself as a victim of suffering under the hand of a callous God.  Gradually he builds his case until death.  Vainly he stands before the Judge.  “But, but…” Is all that is said.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

     What?!  Is this command only for the reborn?  Nay.  To every man, woman, and child that has ever been, now, and ever will be, He speaks as a voice from heaven to all Mankind.  It is by this spiritual condition will each soul be judged.  As God is light, only those who appreciate Him will be granted a forever union with Him.  Those who continue in complaining without thankfulness will be cast to outer darkness ready for the lake of fire.  A separation must occur between Holiness and profanity, between the chosen and those condemned.

     God commands our behavior and sets the standard for our good.  We have elected to know good and evil.  He comes to help educate that we may make informed decisions each day.  But the King welds the two-edged sword.  Commands to aid also reveal His mind.  In this consciousness, we choose to adopt or reject His intimacy.  His intentions light the path of Man.  However, in the end, He cannot deny Himself.  Man must meet truth.


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