Anachronistic – something that is
against time.
What would Jesus have done with a remote
control? Aimed at the winds and waves,
He could have fast forwarded the whole episode and met the disciples on the
other side without getting His feet wet.
Mose, the glad opportunity to skip the golden calf, may have proceeded
to making the tabernacle. Elijah could
have saved himself a run-a-way by suddenly anointing the triplet.
What would we like to skip in our lives? Taken out of time and dissolved, we could avert
the consequences of our actions. No more
walking through the mud once we have fallen off the wagon. Mom would hand us another clean pair like it
never happened. God doesn’t work like
that. Prison is good. Confinement for those who haven’t learned to
control themselves. A man truly reaps
what he sows.
Actions, consequences, and learned lessons
make us what we are today. Removing any
component makes the cycle anachronistic.
We learn by trial and error. Bruises
mark our flesh as wisdom is tattooed in our spirits. All of Mankind follows this pattern. However, Christ was the anomaly.
Hebrews 5:8 “Though He were a Son, yet
learned he obedience by the things which He suffered;”
Hebrews 4:15b” but was in all points tempted
like as we are, yet without sin.”
Thus, it wasn’t through guessing did He
arrive at refinement becoming the perfect sacrifice. Successive washings did not make the Lamb’s
wool white. Jesus was spotless in spirit
and made His run in perfection.
Tempted in all ways:
Matthew 26:39b “Oh my Father, if it be
possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou
Jesus voluntarily subjected Himself to
the created system. Time now inflicted His
body with pain. Seconds to hours, Jesus
elected to hang. Satan
tauntingly held the remote in His face.
The fast forward light blinked. But
even in agony, Jesus held His thumb on the play button wanting all to complete
before He gave up the Ghost.
He did not rush anything. His path set on fire; He walked to
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