And What Is The Best?
And What Is The Best?
1 Kings 3
Exodus 33
“Kinda in a tight spot here, Lord. Here I am in the midst of them. They need someone to judge them rightly. Wanna pour a little wisdom down my way that I
may exercise discernment?”
“Your presence is great. I mean, don’t leave home without it. You are our claim to fame. Without You we look like all the other
nations. However, beggin’ You, wanna see
Your glory.”
Two men talking with God. God’s in giving mode. Both found grace in His eyes. One in a dream, one in wide-awake dialogue.
Solomon and Moses. Two biggies asking Santa for their heart’s
desire. Sitting on His lap and
whispering in His ear, thankfully their lists weren't long. Both only wanted one thing, entreating the God
they knew. Maybe that was the problem.
Hebrews 13:5
God has made the reborn
this promise. With all our stuff, He
comes in superiority. We are to be
content because we possess the greatest already.
Dad just wants to be Dad. He desires our nearness not for what we can
get out of Him. Conditional affection
hurts Him. Hear His heart. In choosing, choose the best.
Solomon and Moses got seconds. Not hitting the mark but settling for lesser than. Solomon knew the wise God. Moses saw God in the firework’s stand. "Great God of glory!” Plagues rained down and the sea split. Staring into the light would have blinded him.
Desire the best. He has filled vessels with Himself. Living on this side of the cross, the new covenant
is this:
Ephesians 4:30
We enjoy what the
ancients looked forward to in hope.
Joel 2:28
The Promise is this:
John 14: 23-26
Please allow Dad to be
Dad. Sometimes, the day must be started by
snuggling under the covers first.
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