Cloven Tongues


Cloven Tongues

Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

Cloven – split or divided in two.

     Background.  The one hundred and twenty followers were told to tarry in Jerusalem.  His disciples saw Him ascend.  Now they were to wait for power from on high.  In other words, the Holy Spirit was coming.  Jesus’ great gift to Mankind was to descend.

    Being together in one accord, a sudden sound from Heaven like a rushing wind came and filled the room.  Cloven tongues of fire rested on everyone.  Believers, filled with the Spirit, began praising God in tongues as the Spirit enabled them.  Three thousand devout Jews amassed to celebrate Pentecost heard the noise and drew near.  Each heard praises in their mother tongue.  “How could this be since these are all Galileans?”  Easy.

     Coven means split in two.  This sign on their heads gave understanding.  Enabled by the Spirit meant no earthly thing was responsible.  They didn’t suddenly whip out their I-phones for an immediate translation.  Speaking in tongues is a truly supernatural experience.

     Cloven.  For those that speak in tongues, you understand you pray to God in the Spirit.  Syllables roll off your tongue fluidly and your mind is guided into a discussion with Him.  Hence, you speak to God and to yourself.  Two audiences at the same time.

     Tongues can be used in corporate worship.  As one speaks another can give its interpretation in the common language.  An orderly expression of this can encourage the congregation.  It is one of God’s gifts meant to enable prayer and to blow on the gathered coals.

     Take care those who deny this.  If you write off God here, are current miracles next on the list?  Closing the lid on Jesus puts His power back two thousand years.  In fact, Paul (under God’s authority) commands this to the church in Corinth.

1 Corinthians 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

    Speaking in tongues challenges the local church.  Is this expression from God?  To discern, one must know God in a supernatural way.  In other words, the rudimentary Sunday school topics as salvation and resurrection are left to grapple with the nature of God told by experience.  If allowed, tongues must be displayed in a controlled manner.  Hence, a two-fold encouragement by the Spirit says, “Church, grow up.”

     Speaking in tongues.  What are we to do with this?  A congregation’s handling of this greatly reveals their approach to the supernatural.  The first century Church knew what to do.  They embraced it in exuberance.  The Spirit convinced them they were children of God.  The new prayer/ praise language unfolded their souls before their Father.

      Perhaps this is the great awareness.  Tongues puts us right into the presence of God.  Should we forbid?


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