Nothing New
Nothing New
“The purpose of life is not to reach
heaven through penitence but to assure happiness to all men by progress in the
sciences and the arts, a fulfillment for which their nature is destined.” - a summary of Voltaire’s criticism of Pascal.
Quick examination of Voltaire reveals man
centered thinking. Humanism hailed man as
God. He became the solution giver
through reasoning. Voltaire sought to
free man from religion thus liberating him from the God conscience.
The mouth of science captivated her
children as she shouted against established belief. A revolution challenged the eighteenth-century
Church. It was ripe for reform. New discoveries tempted believers to break
from the old and seek enlightenment. With
reason held high, philosophers spawned fractal thought.
This is called escapism. By faulty logic, man abandons Truth and is
freed from accountability. If the Word can
be discredited, man is left to himself.
The Church then was bloody and contradictory. Men’s ideas were taught as divine commandments. Leaders sat on granite pedestals and God used
doubt to bring change. Philosophers
brought alternatives to crack their foundations.
God inspires Man to creatively reinvent
his thinking when his paradigms do not match the flow of reality. However, He is to remain at the center of
reasoning. Romans says clearly:
1:21 “Because
that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful;
but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.22 Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
Embarking on a humanistic journey to
disprove God means throwing the compass away.
Eighteenth- century escapist still sail to the present. “Nothing is new. Nothing under this sun,” saith the Preacher.
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