What Has To Be First
What Has To Be First
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
If heliocentric is sun-centered thought,
then there must be a term about God-centered belief. Here the proverb tells what must be
central. As if the orbits build off one
another, we see a model.
In the center, we meet the unchanging One keeping
His position and illuminating all.
1. The first orbit would be knowledge. A simple understanding of facts. What is truth? This seems basic, yet it still needs His light.
The second orbit would be understanding. Once knowledge is amassed, how do they
influence each other? Cause and effect.
The last orbit would be wisdom. How are we to apply everyday?
For instance, the
phenomenon is fire. It is hot. We will
use it cook our food. Without God, dementia sets in:
The phenomenon is
the fire god. His sun grows our crops. We will worship it.
There is nothing
wrong with science. It poses no threat
to Christianity. In fact, its
discoveries and applications only support God’s reality when viewed truthfully. What deceives are shaman in white coats
working the lab or at the archeological dig forecasting time in reverse. Pure science cannot prove the past. If new findings are disconnected from God’s truth
found in the Bible, then it is the following.
Suppose in the
year 2250, archeologists unearth an automobile tire at a landfill dig. Disregarding a car manual manuscript held in the library,
they analyze and make conclusions. Linking
it to other artifacts found, they construct a vehicle out of their imaginations. With government grants satisfied, school
children get glossy pictures in textbooks rewriting history. All the while, the true interpretation lies
at the library.
When scientists
make discoveries and fail to bounce it against the Bible, they chose their
own center of reasoning. It is our
challenge to bring the facts back to plumb.
God must be the center of understood reality.
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