And Where Were You?


And Where Were You?

     My best friend’s mother took her own life.  We were in high school at the time.  It came as a surprise, kind of.  Her previous attempt was unsuccessful, so she tried again.

     Suicide can do weird things to a family.  Question marks float in the air sometimes never being resolved.  Guilt can come and rest on shoulders.  Plausible answers temporarily cover the shame.  “Oh, there must have been something wrong.”  Mummers about the town as you feel the starting eyes.  One question:  Where is God in all this?

     Pain can convince us that He has left.  Somehow His presence is sucked away and clouds are left about our heads.  Truth is, His temple is not based on our feelings.  If our feelings gave Him substance, then He would not be much of a god.

     He lives out of our reality not to be manipulated by it.  Not as a watchmaker, winding and watching, He decides to get involved.  He gets His hands dirty so to say because He loves.  So, why didn’t He get involved in her passing?

      God respects our autonomy.  Our dignity He grants in the form of freewill, enough to stop if need be.  How many times He tried to convince her otherwise, we are not certain.  We do know that He is a good God.  Her action was certainly not His will, yet He still loves.

      Is suicide a one-way ticket to Hell?  Termed another way, would Jesus walking here had compassion on her to reach out while she lived?  If she passed, is His hand somehow withdrawn?  He is the God of the living and the dead.  He does not change.  His mercy supersedes our decisions.  Not negating them, but rather by embellishing His grace He shows us His true character.

     As a Father to all, He has the pertinent heart.  Jesus knew depression.  Sorrows threatened to overtake Him as compassion rose up as a wave of want.  Seeing the need put Him in sobriety, scarcely to laugh when gazing about the multitude.  Other’s pain put His eyes toward the horizon.  How long would He be with them?  Knowing His primary job wasn’t to heal the outer, He sought the real medical procedure to heal from within.   That meant His blood.

     Will He hold our sins against us?  Yes.  Are unconfessed sins tallied at the doors of Heaven and shoved in our face?  You judge.  Does the God you know take pleasure in seeing His little ones squirm?  Does He delight in torture?

     He provides an escape from our own Hell.  If we would only understand His acceptance, we could then see the tear in His eye.


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