


Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

     The Chiefs lost last night, but that didn’t stop my victory at home.  Laying leisurely on our living couch, my boots up on the piano bench and my head rested upon the one I love.  Grandkids climbed about her while I shared a part of her attention.

     Touch can mean so much.  It tells you that you are not alone.  We have weathered the last months of my knee recovery and together we will progress on.  A cusp is a point of transition.  Climbing the mountain, we can take flight and soar.  All I know, we will be together as we have walked the last months.

     In and out of doctors’ offices.  Time spent waiting and talking.  Our adventure took us to the pinnacle.  To see a promised land?  Maybe to feel the power of the wind under our wings.

     Bi means two.  Hang gliding in tandem, our colors will be bright against a revealing Light.  Where will our destination take us?  Don’t care.  I have my love.  She grips the bar beside me and says, “Go.”

    Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving me a partner.  More than that.  I feel through her as she touches the ones I love.  I am her power to weight the craft through the updrafts and provide stability.  Together we will soar as He provides.

     Thank you, Honey, for living out the yes.  I have never known another so dedicated even when the climb be steep.  He has rewarded you and He has gifted me.


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